Світова Дипломатична Рада Глобальної Безпеки створена 17.02.2022 р. з метою сприяння мирному врегулюванню міждержавних конфліктів.
Нашою метою є координація діяльності громадськості, політичних еліт по удосконаленню механізмів захисту держав, фізичних та юридичних осіб від глобальних міжнародних та внутрішньо-політичних економічних, воєнних, соціально-політичних, екологічних, епідеміологічних, медичних та інших загроз. Зміцнення миру в усьому світі можливе тільки за рахунок створення нової світової моделі економічного та соціально-політичного розвитку. Основні принципи реорганізації світової економіки полягають в створенні багатонаціональних, глибоко спеціалізованих та максимально інтегрованих між собою світових економічних систем, на основі широкої та всеосяжної кооперації між різними державними та недержавними економічними структурами, які нерозривно пов’язані між собою в процесі створення кінцевого продукту з максимальною доданою вартістю. Таким чином, найважливіший напрям розвитку світової економіки є максимальна спеціалізація, глибока інтеграція та кооперація всього світового економічного процесу!
Забезпечення реалізації даної економічної моделі можливе тільки при створені централізованих світових контролюючих та регулюючих органів, які повинні управляти всіма вищезгаданими процесами на глобальному рівні!
Світова Дипломатична Рада Глобальної Безпеки є фундаментальною базою, з якої починається створення світового уряду, який на відміну від Організації Об’єднаних Націй (ООН) зобов’язаний виконувати практичне втілення в світову економіку головних принципів:
- Глибока спеціалізація кожної державної багатонаціональної країни.
- Інтеграція економік різних країн між собою у створенні кінцевого продукту з максимальною доданою вартістю.
- Найширша горизонтальна та вертикальна кооперація між всіма світовими економіками у створенні всіх кінцевих продуктів, які будуть мати найбільший попит і користуватись найвищою вартісною оцінкою в світі.
- Створення нової фінансово-банківської системи на принципах максимального сприяння розвитку реального сектора виробництва за рахунок безпосередньої участі в управлінні всіма виробничими процесами.
Ідея та реалізація деталізованого плану, створення нової економічної моделі є основним завданням нового світового керівництва, яке починається із Світової Дипломатичної Ради Глобальної Безпеки.
З повагою,
Голова Світової Дипломатичної Ради Глобальної Безпеки,
Академік та Перший Віце-Президент
Академії Економічних наук України,
Доктор Економічних наук, Доктор Філософії з Mедицини
Анатолій Володимирович Пешко

About the DRGS
The Diplomatic Council on Global Security (DRGS) was established on February 17, 2022, with the goal of promoting the peaceful resolution of interstate conflicts.
The mission of the DRGS is to coordinate public stakeholders and political elites to improve mechanisms for protecting states, individuals, and legal entities from global international and domestic threats, including economic, military, socio-political, environmental, anti-epidemic, medical, and other risks. Strengthening peace worldwide is achievable only through the creation of a new global model of economic and socio-political development.
The fundamental principles for reorganizing the global economy focus on creating multinational, highly specialized, and deeply integrated systems that align with the global economic framework. This is achieved through broad and comprehensive cooperation between governmental and non-governmental economic structures, which are closely interconnected in producing end products with maximum added value.
Thus, the most critical directions for global economic development are maximum specialization, deep integration, and comprehensive cooperation across the entire global economic process.
Implementing this economic model is feasible only through the establishment of centralized global regulatory and supervisory bodies responsible for managing all the aforementioned processes on a global scale.
The Diplomatic Council on Global Security serves as the foundational platform for creating a world government. Unlike the United Nations (UN), this body will be committed to the practical implementation of the following principles in the global economy:
1. Deep specialization of each state within the multinational framework.
2. Integration of economies across nations to collaboratively produce end products with maximum added value.
3. Extensive horizontal and vertical cooperation among all global economies to create products with the highest demand and market value.
4. Establishment of a new financial and banking system aimed at maximizing the development of the real production sector through direct involvement in managing all production processes.
The development and implementation of a detailed plan for creating this new economic model are the primary objectives of the new global leadership, which begins with the Diplomatic Council for Global Security.
Chairman of the Diplomatic Council on Global Security,
Academician and First Vice President of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
Peshko Anatolii Volodymyrovych
Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Peshko
Head of the Diplomatic Council on Global Security, Academician, and First Vice-President of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine
PhD in Medical Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Academician of the Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Social Management of Ukraine, Academician of the International Academy of Cossack Studies, Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, President of the agro-industrial company “Nadbuzhzhya Plus.”
Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Peshko was born on February 12, 1963, in Korostyshiv, Zhytomyr Region, into a family of doctors. Following in his parents footsteps, he entered Kyiv Medical University (now National Medical University named after O.O. Bohomolets), graduating with honors in 1986 and was awarded a Lenin Scholarship.
Short Biography
Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Peshko was born on February 12, 1963, in Korostyshiv, Zhytomyr region, into a family of doctors. Following in his parents’ footsteps, he entered Kyiv Medical University (now – O.O. Bohomolts National Medical University) and graduated with honors in 1986, earning the title of Lenin scholar. Later he pursued clinical residency and postgraduate studies at the university where he worked and studied.
After defending his PhD in Medical Sciences, he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 at Kyiv Medical University. From 1994 to 1999, he combined his medical work with studies at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, earning a second degree in Banking and Finance. In 1997, he qualified as a specialist in securities trading. In 1999, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “State Regulation of Entrepreneurship During the Transition to a Market Economy.”
Scientific Activity
A.V. Peshko’s scientific work has been highly recognized by the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine. In 2005, he was elected Vice-President and Head of the Kyiv Regional Department of the Academy. In 2017, he became an academician of the Academy of Social Management of Ukraine. A.V. Peshko is the author of over 100 publications in both economic and medical fields, including monographs such as “State Regulation of Entrepreneurship During the Transition to a Market Economy,” “Development of the Real Economy in Ukraine,” “Investment Activity in Ukraine,” and “Balanced Scorecard in Organizational Strategy Development.”
In August 2017, the book “Exit from the Darkness” was published, presenting the paradigm of preventing socio-economic collapse in Ukraine. This biographical and political-psychological sketch outlines the search of scholar, businessman, and public figure Anatoliy Peshko for solutions to multidimensional crises. The publication was released with the support of: the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, the Academy of Social Management, and various academic and creative institutions of which the hero of this work is a member. The authorial team of 11 individuals who wrote the historiographical-biographical book dedicated to Academician A.V. Peshko was awarded a diploma in the category of “Professional Publication.” In December 2017, the book “Theses of Academician A.V. Peshko” was published.
For his significant achievements in scientific activity, he has been awarded medals, including the M.G. Chumachenko Medal of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, the M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky Gold Medal of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, the Ivan Puluy Medal from the Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine, the Yaroslav Mudryi Medal from the Academy of Social Management, as well as medals from the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. He has also been recognized with numerous state and church awards, including the Order of St. Agapit of Pechersk, the Order of St. Volodymyr, and the Order of the Nativity of Christ, and others.
Heads of Commissions:
- Commission on Social and Economic Development of the World, Organization of the Most Effective Use of Human, Intellectual Potential, and Global Natural Resources – Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Peshko
- Commission on Foreign Affairs and International Relations – Valeriy Oleksiyovych Chalyi
- Commission on Combating Organized Crime, Corruption, and Mafia-Type Activities – Oleksandr Hryhorovych Davidenko
- Commission on Financial Security and Combating Money Laundering of Criminal Proceeds – Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Peshko
- Commission on Intelligence and Industrial Utilization of Energy Resources – Serhiy Mykolayovych Azyukovskyi
- Commission on Information Security, Protection of Freedom of Speech, and Support for Journalistic Activities – Vasyl Hryhorovych Shevchenko
- Commission on the Creation and Implementation of the Most Effective Healthcare System for Humanity, Support, and Protection of Motherhood and Childhood Worldwide – Yevheniy Heorhiyovych Pedachenko
- Commission on Combating International Terrorism and Any Manifestations of Neo-Fascism and Chauvinism – Oleksandr Hryhorovych Stadnyk